History Repeats Itself with Esther, Hadassah, Myrtle, and Stuxnet

Bible Translations and Mistranslations

History Repeats Itself with Esther, Hadassah, Myrtle, and Stuxnet

October 1, 2010 Off Topic 1

According to the New York Times, Stuxnet, a computer worm aimed at slowing Iran’s race for nuclear weapons, contains an important file called myrtus.

According to Esther 2:7, Esther, who played an important part in defending the Jews against the Persians, also went by the name hadasah, which is the feminine form of hadas.

Both the Hebrew hadas and the Latin myrtus mean “myrtle.”

Iran — which is where the ancient story of Esther was set — has followed its older incarnation of Persia in declaring its intention to destroy the Jews. And now it seems that someone is taking the parallel further, using a modern-day Hadassah to preemptively attack the modern would-be attackers of the Jews.

I’m suspicious of the suggestion in the Times that the use of the word “myrtus” points to Israel, or that “myrtus” is deliberate misdirection toward Israel, but I have to say: This virtual reincarnation of Esther in her starring role strikes me as pretty literate, creative, and (the gravity of the situation notwithstanding) even a little bit cool.

[Update: Lots more about the virus in today’s (Jan 16, 2011) New York Times: “Israel Tests on Worm Called Crucial in Iran Nuclear Delay.”]

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One Response

  1. WoundedEgo says:

    Israel is kewl down to its toes, in my book..

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