Where Have All The Posts Gone?
Regular readers here may have noticed that lately there hasn’t been much here to regularly read.
I started this blog on a whim during a mini-sabbatical in 2009. It turned out to be so rewarding — thanks to the comments, questions, and general discussion among readers — that I kept at it even after my sabbatical came to an end. I was no longer writing 20-40 posts a month, but I tried to put something up once or twice a week, and I tried not to let questions go unanswered.
But now, between my fiction and non-fiction writing, teaching, travel, and other projects, I find that I don’t have the time to invest here that I used to. I’m not giving up. And I’ll keep posting here as I’m able, because I really do enjoy the on-line conversation.
So the new posts haven’t vanished. They’ve just taken a break, along with their author. They’ll be back, I hope.
In the meantime, if for some reason you absolutely have to read something I’ve written, you can try my personal blog, where issues surrounding religion sometimes pop-up, or even my author blog, which I inagurated with photos and impressions from my trip to Alaska, before promptly falling behind on that, too.