Tag: Bible

Bible Translations and Mistranslations

Sneak-Peek of “The Unabridged Bible”

A bit off-topic, but still certainly Bible related: Though my newest project, “The Unabridged Bible,” won’t roll out until a couple of months into 2014, a sneak-peek is available now, with two four lots of sample pages, including: The Life of Adam and Eve (which I mentioned on the History Channel’s Bible Secrets Revealed: The…
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November 29, 2013 2

The History Channel’s Bible Secrets Revealed

I’m excited and a little nervous to announce that I’m appearing in two episodes of the History Channel’s upcoming Bible Secrets Revealed, which starts airing nationwide this Wednesday, November 13, at 10:00pm EST. Read the whole story — including air times, links to more information, and video trailers from the series — in my latest…
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November 12, 2013 17

Q&A: Is the Virgin Birth a Mistranslation?

Is the virgin birth a mistranslation, as a promo for the History Channel’s “Bible Secrets Revealed” suggests? Yes and no…

November 3, 2013 12

What did God Really Create in the Beginning?

What did God really create in the beginning? The usual answer is as obvious as it is wrong.

October 9, 2013 13

Translation Challenge on Men, Women, and People: Who is an anthropos?

In light of my last post, I thought it might be helpful to move beyond theory to actual translation. How would you translate the Hebrew ish and the Greek anthropos in the following passages? Genesis 2:24 [Hebrew]: “Therefore an ish leaves his father and his mother and clings to his wife.” Genesis 2;24 [LXX]: “Therefore…
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September 24, 2013 23

More on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

What do we learn about men, women, and Jesus in the Bible from the Greek word anthropos?

September 20, 2013 59

On Biblical Masculinity and Femininity

What do the Hebrew words for “male” and “female” in the Bible really teach us about gender roles?

September 17, 2013 21

Where Have All The Posts Gone?

Regular readers here may have noticed that lately there hasn’t been much here to regularly read. I started this blog on a whim during a mini-sabbatical in 2009. It turned out to be so rewarding — thanks to the comments, questions, and general discussion among readers — that I kept at it even after my…
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July 19, 2013 0

Money, Honor, and Bible Translation

It’s well known that the Greek word for “honor” (timi, often spelled timē) also means “price.” This is why timi is used to translate both the Hebrew kavod (“honor”) and the Hebrew m’chir (“price”). It’s also why timi in Matthew 27:6 is translated as “price,” while in Hebrews 2:7, it’s “honor.” Indeed, lexicons often have…
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May 13, 2013 12

Once Upon a Time in Bible Translation

Earlier this week I posted a piece on the Huffington Post about different biblical writing styles. In particular, I claim that the exaggerated ages in Genesis served to notify the ancient reader that the stories weren’t meant to be taken literally. In other words, there are at least two different kinds of stories in the…
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March 8, 2013 32