Tag: Esther

Bible Translations and Mistranslations

Was Haman Hanged or Impaled in the Book of Esther?

Was Haman hanged or impaled in the Book of Esther? And was the instrument of his death a gallows or a stake?

March 11, 2014 7

History Repeats Itself with Esther, Hadassah, Myrtle, and Stuxnet

According to the New York Times, Stuxnet, a computer worm aimed at slowing Iran’s race for nuclear weapons, contains an important file called myrtus. According to Esther 2:7, Esther, who played an important part in defending the Jews against the Persians, also went by the name hadasah, which is the feminine form of hadas. Both…
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October 1, 2010 1