Tag: parallelism

Bible Translations and Mistranslations

On Style

Different communities have different styles of conveying information. I think this is particularly important for understanding and translating the Bible. I recently posted some thoughts about prophecies (and why they don’t “come true” in the NT). Along the way, the idea of a proof text came up. In particular, I claimed that one style of…
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October 25, 2010 6

Doublets Are Part And Parcel of Bible Translation

Even though “part” means roughly the same thing as “portion,” and “parcel” means “division,” “part and parcel” cannot equally be phrased, “portion and division.” Yet when I read many Bible translations, I feel like exactly that sort of error has taken place. The phrase “Tohu and vohu” in Genesis receives lots of attention, because the…
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October 13, 2009 6