Category: translation practice

Bible Translations and Mistranslations

“God is an Online Forum”

Because this is a blog about translation, I’m curious when people read it in translation. Recently the logs showed me that someone used Google to translate the blog from English into Turkish. I took a look at what the site looked like in Turkish, and then used Google to translate the Turkish back into English.…
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February 1, 2010 0

Haiti and Jeremiah 25:7

Dr. Jim West’s comment that Jeremiah 25 is a good litmus test for translation — and his claim that the NLT doesn’t do badly — directed my attention to the NLT’s translation of Jeremiah 25. In light of some resent claims about the disaster in Haiti, Jeremiah 25:7 in the NLT jumped off the page…
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January 31, 2010 6

Being Clear on Being Clear

A post by David Frank on BBB has got me thinking about clarity in Bible translation. I think there are at least two kinds of clarity, and two times when we don’t want clarity. Clarity of Language The most basic kind is clarity of expression in the target language — in our case, the English…
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January 29, 2010 9

Q&A: Straightening the Crooked Paths in Isaiah 40:3

From the About page comes this question: Mark 1:2 and Isaiah 40:3 — is the idea that crooked paths need to be straightened, or that obstacles need to be removed? Neither, actually. Isaiah 40:3 is a variation on classic Hebrew parallel poetry. We have two parallel phrases, each with four words. For example, from the…
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January 27, 2010 6

Who is the Prince of Peace?

Two questions from the About page ask about Isaiah 9:5 (9:6), “For a child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders; and he is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (NRSV). The final phrase of this child’s name (“Prince of Peace”) are probably…
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January 22, 2010 6

Putting the Face of Christ on a Gun – Trijicon and 2 Corinthians 4:6

The recent brouhaha about gun sights etched with references to Biblical passages has brought renewed attention to John 8:12 and 2 Corinthians 4:6, both about light. To understand the light, I think we need a detour through the word for “face”: prosopon. The Face – prosopon At its most basic level, prosopon is literally the…
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January 21, 2010 13

Q&A: Isaiah 28:16 and What Happens to Believers

From the About page comes a question about the last verb in Isaiah 28:16: His [Dietrich Boenhoffer’s] reading said that “he that believes does not flee”. Is that what this says? No. The Hebrew verb at the end (yachish) clearly means “hurry,” — compare Isaiah 5:19 and Psalm 119:60 — so the phrase should mean:…
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January 14, 2010 3

Israel, Modern Hebrew, and Bible Translation

As always, I’ve returned from my week in Israel recharged and renewed. Also, as always, my visit has given me a lot to think about regarding translation. Modern Languages I believe that looking at modern languages can help us understand the nature of translation because it’s easier to know what modern languages mean, so it’s…
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January 13, 2010 9

Q&A: How do you work, O vocative?

From the About page: As a grammar lesson, I tried parsing Psalm 117. There is a possible usage of a ‘he’ marking the use of the vocative (BDB 1.i) but the article is missing on the first colon kol goyim and present on the second shavxuhu col ha’umim. It seems to me that ‘praise the…
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January 12, 2010 8

Q&A: The Details of Matthew 26:52

Here’s another question from the About page: Should English translations seek to retain subtle distinctions, such as the difference between dying and perishing? Much to my surprise, the (T)NIV chose to say “those who live by the sword will die by the sword” (Matthew 26:52). Since I grew up reading NIV, but have since become…
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January 3, 2010 4