Category: video

Bible Translations and Mistranslations

Why Most Bible Translations are So Bad (And Why the Next Generation Should Care)

This past July I had the pleasure of presenting at a TEDx conference in East Hampton, the broad theme of which was “The Next Generation.” So I offered an 18-minute segment on Bible translation, on what so often goes wrong with translations, and on how to avoid the common mistakes. I couched these topics in…
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September 14, 2011 4

Exploring the Bible Videos

I’m thrilled to announce the beta version of my latest project: Exploring the Bible videos. The site is a growing collection of short text-based videos about the Bible, frequently focusing on translation issues. The first three videos (also available on YouTube) are: John 3:16 – What does “God so loved the world” really mean? Quiz:…
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March 28, 2011 17

The Importance of the Ten Commandments

[youtube=] A short excerpt from a lecture I gave a while back. (A little off topic, but still….)

July 20, 2010 3

My Sister, My Bride

Dr. Joel M. Hoffman on Bible Translation: [youtube=] With some reluctance — and with renewed appreciation for people who spend their professional lives in front of a camera — I’m posting this short video excerpt in which I discuss what can go wrong in Bible translation.

March 24, 2010 6