Tag: biblical Hebrew

Bible Translations and Mistranslations

First Things First: Stress, Focus, and Biblical Hebrew Word Order

The importance of word order in Biblical Hebrew recently came up regarding Genesis 1:1, and in particular how we know that that verse answers the question “when?” Here’s some more information and some additional examples. An English Diversion In English, stressing different words changes the implications of a sentence. For example: Example 1. This is…
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May 5, 2010 5

Q&A: The Hebrew Suffix -ki

Again from the about page: What’s going on with the pronominal suffixes in Psalm 103 3-8? I can’t find -ki as a pronominal suffix in any of my grammar books — neither singular nor plural! Good question. The suffix -ki (also spelled -chi) is a variant form of -k, and it means “your (sng, f).”…
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October 28, 2009 1