Tag: GNB

Bible Translations and Mistranslations

Top Translation Traps: Seductive Translations

Some readers want clarity (as in The Message or the CEV) in a Bible translation. Others want loftiness (NKJV), or even near incoherence (KJV). Others yet opt for chattiness (Good News). And so forth. I think what these approaches to translation and others like them have in common is that they put the proverbial cart…
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January 11, 2010 8

Translating and Improving the Bible

Joel Berkowitz (in Shakespeare on the American Yiddish Stage) writes of the hubris of Yiddish theaters that promoted Yiddish productions of Shakespeare that were “translated and improved.”* Though we mock it now, I often think I see the same thing in Bible translations, in two related ways: 1. “Translators” want to make the general flavor…
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November 3, 2009 4

On Translation Strategies: An Exercise

Today’s on-line edition of Le Monde is currently running the headline: Les magasins de jeux vidéo vont-ils disparaître? How should we translate that into English? The stores of video games, are they going to disappear (italics a la KJV) The stores of video games, are they going to disappear? (“essentially literal”) Video game stores, are…
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October 1, 2009 10