Tag: translation

Bible Translations and Mistranslations

Sparrows and Other Details

Hillary Putnam notes that the word “sparrow” refers to a different species in the U.S. and the U.K. (page 22 of Representation and Reality, his superb book about words and meaning). Does this mean that the translation “sparrow” in Psalms, Matthew, and Luke is wrong in the U.S. or the U.K. (or both)?

September 20, 2009 6

Children, Oxen, Asses, and Cribs

Isaiah 1:2-3 reads (NRSV): [2] Hear, O heavens, and listen, O earth; for the LORD has spoken: I reared children and brought them up, but they have rebelled against me. [3] The ox knows its owner, and the donkey its master’s crib; but Israel does not know, my people do not understand. When I read…
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September 20, 2009 7

How Much Meaning Do You Want?

At the end of my discussion of anthropos, I concluded that one meaning of anthropos is “man,” and that we see that meaning in Matthew 12:10. Here I want to suggest that, even so, “man” may not be the best English translation for anthropos. Here’s why. One of my points before was that Greek makes…
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September 17, 2009 14

Gendered Culture and Gendered Language

In another discussion of gender, John challenges: “Given something like Acts 7:32 ‘I am the God of your fathers [pateres], the God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob.’, who would have the burden of proof? Was it the God of Sarah, Rebekah and Rachel? If the one writing this text was of a…
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September 17, 2009 1

The Curious Case of the Withered Hand: A Translation Dilemma

Matthew 12:9-14 The parable in Matthew 12:9-14 demonstrates so many key translation points (many of which have already come up recently, in posts too numerous to mention) that I think it’s worth taking a systematic look at that text and the issues it raises. The Plot As I understand it, the general plot of the…
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September 16, 2009 18

The Point(s) of Translation

A recent post by Mike Aubrey (quoting and disagreeing with Paul Helm) again raises the issue of “dynamic equivalence,” and, more generally, the goal of translation. In a comment, Jason Staples suggests: Good post. I think the basic translation philosophy of attempting to most clearly convey the meaning of a text (which is effectively “dynamic…
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September 16, 2009 4

On Anthropos: Men, Women, and People

Anthropos More: My follow-up to this post The value of men, women and sheep Of sheep and men: overlooking wordplay in translation Aner: either male or female TNIV translators on the English language Following up on the brouhaha I seem to have started, here are some more thoughts on anthropos. Everyone agrees that, in various…
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September 16, 2009 19

Are You a Good Dragon or a Bad Dragon?

In response to Scot McKnight’s third post on Translation Tribalism, MatthewS says: A prof told me once that some missionaries in China feel that translators might have made a mistake by translating the word “dragon” in Revelation literally. It is supposed to convey negative affect but the dragon in Chinese culture is a positive thing.…
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September 15, 2009 8

The Funny Thing About What Words Mean

The funny thing about what words mean is how hard it is to notice when they mean more than one thing, as, for example, “funny.” The way I’m using it here the word doesn’t mean “humorous” but, rather, “odd.” Two thousand years hence, will scholars be arguing over whether “funny” should be translated into the…
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September 14, 2009 3

On Translation and Explanation

In a recent discussion here, Paula asks about where the line is drawn between “translation” and what I called “explanation.” It’s a really important question. I don’t think I have an answer in terms of definitions, but I have a few examples, starting with just English. (It’s helpful to look at English to English “translations”…
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September 14, 2009 12