Tag: Bible

Bible Translations and Mistranslations

On Literal Bible Translations and Holy Language

Doug “Clayboy” Chaplin has an interesting post about literal Bible translations. Among other things, he says: There seems to me — behind the so-called “formal equivalence” emphasis on source language syntax something of a hankering for a sacred language. By sacred I mean, in this context, especially appropriate for or capable of being a vehicle…
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April 24, 2011 1

What Goes Wrong when we Translate the Words

It makes intuitive sense that a translation should preserve the meaning of each word. But in this case, our intuition leads us astray, which is why I’m not a fan of so-called “literal,” “essentially literal,” or “formal equivalence” translations. Here’s an example that will make clear what goes wrong. There’s a German verb blaumachen. Though…
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April 22, 2011 13

Why the Debate between Formal Equivalence and Functional Equivalence is Deceptive

The debate between “formal equivalence” and “functional equivalence” has come up again at BBB, this time in the comment thread to a post about David Ker’s The Bible Wasn’t Written To You. (It’s a free e-book. Take a look.) Dannii started the debate with a reference to his post “In which I ask if there’s…
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April 21, 2011 14

“Judge Not” And Preserving Poetry

Judge Not “Judge not…” Most people are familiar with this famous verse from Matthew 7:1 (and the similar Luke 6:37), and know that the full line runs along the lines of “Judge not, that you be not judged” (ESV). The content of the line is pretty easy to understand, but the poetry is very hard…
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April 15, 2011 24

What to do with significant Bible mistranslations?

In a comment on Dr. Claude Mariottini’s excellent blog, a reader named Daniel asks: “Since we have cleared up centuries of inferior translating, and presumably inferior application, now we should do …?” It’s an excellent question. Normally when we find a better way of doing things, we move on: “Out with the old and in…
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April 6, 2011 17

If not by bread alone then by what?

Matthew 4:4 (also Luke 4:4) is among the most famous Bible quotations: “Man shall not live on bread alone” (NIV2011) or, better, “one does not live on bread alone.” But if not on bread, then what? What’s interesting is that there are two completely different answers.

March 29, 2011 8

Exploring the Bible Videos

I’m thrilled to announce the beta version of my latest project: Exploring the Bible videos. The site is a growing collection of short text-based videos about the Bible, frequently focusing on translation issues. The first three videos (also available on YouTube) are: John 3:16 – What does “God so loved the world” really mean? Quiz:…
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March 28, 2011 17

Where have all the posts gone?

Regular followers of this blog may have noticed that recently there hasn’t been much to regularly follow. In part that’s because I’ve been traveling so much, but mostly it’s because I’ve been working on an exciting new project, as I describe next. The project, like many, obeyed the 90-90 rule: The first 90 percent of…
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March 28, 2011 0

Girl Animals, Boy Animals, and Neuter Animals

CNN’s belief blog has an interesting story about a request by PETA not to call animals “it” in Bible translations: PETA is hoping the [NIV’s] move toward greater gender inclusiveness will continue toward animals as well. “When the Bible moves toward inclusively in one area [human gender -JMH] … it wasn’t much of a stretch…
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March 24, 2011 5

Who are you calling a virgin?

The NAB’s decision to change “virgin” to “young woman” in Isaiah 7:14 has once again brought up the virgin birth, Mary, and the nature of prophesy, as well as the role of translation in accurately conveying the text of the Bible. Most reports I’ve seen recently, though, confuse what are really three separate issues here.…
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March 23, 2011 45